The deer, they tell us, come right up to the windows. My parents did, after all, build and operate the Deerland Motel. Deer have always been a part of our lives in some form. So we move Mom into the room with the view. I see a doe the next day, hidden way back in the...
Life of Worship
once upon a time there were three bears. or just one.
Sometimes ordinary moms turns into mama-bears. Just threaten our children and watch us craze. On the upper doorposts of the rooms that hold our family, or that held our family before kids grew up and left, yet still hold one more kid, there are mama-bear tracks....
and the beat goes on
We sit in a parking lot near the lumber yard while the car shakes with my sobs. “Are you going to be okay?” he asks. “Do you want to go home?” Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so sensitive. I wish I could separate God pleasing from people pleasing. I wish I didn’t feel...
for when the way grows weary
It’s only a one-mile loop, this Dry Marsh Trail. I can handle that, even in this heat. It’s an easy hike, though, and it’s good to be away and outside, just the two of us. I lag behind, stopping to take pictures of this and that. He waits for me to catch up, reads out...
on trusting God and being fearless: an interview with @group1crew
This interview couldn't have come at a better time for me. I'm experiencing...
complete in Him
She stands on the thin, white carpet, anxiously waiting to salute the judges...
reflections from a waiting room
Her name tag reads “Colleen.” She wears blue scrubs, and the...
the silence and the tears
I’ve long been impressed by the power of the shortest verse in the Bible....