I stand up and stretch my legs for a moment. I need to do it more often, because having a desk job like mine can easily result in poor circulation (causing a whole bunch of other health problems). Somehow I feel like staring at the computer monitor for too long is...
Life of Worship
[creative matters] chapter two: bring on the blank canvas
[serialposts]This chapter features some of my favorite creatives and thinkers -- people like Lisa Gungor and Blaine Hogan. I couldn't do this chapter justice by writing a typical, rote review of the topics broached in it. It wouldn't do it justice. Instead, I've opted...
[creative matters] chapter one: created to create
[serialposts]In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was...
the greater gift
I wander conference halls in a blissful daze, happy just to share elbow space with some of the premier Christian woman leaders of my generation. With every beat of my heart, I sense confirmation that I belong here. Four years of anticipation have served well to...
creative matters [an ebook by @createcoll]
I get into my car and drive to work. During the short commute that starts each...
let’s talk [a photoplay on conversation for @thehighcalling]
One of my favorite activities with The High Calling network is PhotoPlay. The...
long after the colors fade
Sitting on the grass cross-legged in the warm sun we braided bits of colored...
i am a daughter-in-law
{This is a follow up to Nikole Hahn's Post, "it's not always the daughter's...