"He's such a loving little boy," the caseworker told us. Before we met the boys we would eventually adopt, we got the quick personality rundown on each of them. The younger of the two brothers was described as one who just loved everyone. "He's so sweet!" And that was...
Bible Literacy
Book Reviews
some things aren’t worth compromising
“Dan, I know you love spending time with your family, but don’t let that get in the way of your career.” He flew me one thousand miles across the country to sit me down and tell me this. I knew that moment was the beginning of the end of a decade-long relationship...
the #codexinstagramus initiative: a bible photography project
What if you could only use pictures to tell the story of the Gospel? I've been thinking a great deal about Luke, the writer of his Gospel and the Book of Acts. The influence of his writing is unquestionable. But one thing most people don't know about him is that he...
that time my son reminded me how God is in control
[Tweet "Sometimes you just need a reminder that God is in control."] And sometimes God speaks to us in the most unexpected ways. That happened to Krista and I the other day. It's been a whirlwind of a week. If you told me a week ago that we'd have a newborn baby in...
3 lessons from a year of activist faith
The Activist Faith project has been more than a book project for me. It's been...
gravity waves, the big bang, and my unshakable faith
This post is probably going to get some people mad at me. I just noticed that...
last things
I am surprised my daughter didn’t think about what I assumed was obvious. She...
kingdom comes
It was a day not unlike any other. Dirt clung to the heels of the people who...