[serialposts]“I’ve got good news and bad news,” I announced to the fifteen or so members of my church’s high school youth group. “The good news is I brought cookies. The bad news is I need help with my homework. I’ve been asked to write a blog post about this reason...
Activist Faith
[reasons they leave #4] the church is judgemental regarding sexuality
[serialposts] Is leaving the church the same thing as leaving God? Just days ago, I received this text message from a teenager struggling with finding Christian community. God is important to her. She's a young woman with faith much stronger than many adults. And yet...
[reasons they leave #3] church antagonism towards science
[serialposts]“God, why is the sky blue?” I was eighteen when I finally asked Him; not relying on the answers that I was taught all my life in school. His reply ended up being more deeply touching and radical than anything I’d ever heard, and, from that moment on, I...
[reasons they leave #2] shallow experience of christianity
[serialposts] Reason #2 – Teens’ and twentysomethings’ experience of Christianity is shallow. A second reason that young people depart church as young adults is that something is lacking in their experience of church. One-third said “church is boring” (31%)....
[reasons they leave #1] churches seem overprotective
[serialposts]the back story, my story, and his story (about why young...
why young christians leave church
Three out of five. That's what the research shows. According to Barna Group,...
to the ends of the earth
[serialposts]I'm standing in a remote village in Haiti on the shore of the...
digging down deep [some thoughts on what we believe]
Okay, I really have to do this. I ran to the bookstore today and yes (on a...