thank you @skype mobile! i'll be using you to stay in touch with my wife and son while i'm away in #haiti # @duane_scott and i are chatting on google chat right now... he's a really cool dude. just thought i'd let everyone know that... # Less than 24 hours to go...
Activist Faith
the #haiti mission agenda
Prayer is the foundation of any successful mission trip. And with a trip into the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere, we're counting on prayer to deliver us through an amazing journey with God (both for us and the people we're ministering to). Our youth group...
following jesus into haiti [an interview with @kentannan]
Have you ever read a book that just rocked you to your core? I have. I recently finished a great new book called Following Jesus Through the Eye of the Needle: Living Fully, Loving Dangerously by Kent Annan (IVP). Loved it! After writing my review of the book, I have...
why i’m going to #haiti [a personal testimony]
I can't wait to get down to Haiti! And I'm praying that this is just the first of many trips to a place that I've been wanting to get to for a really long time. Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere. The average person in that country lives in such...
[the 72 project] churches, zoos, and salt shakers
It is not a habit of mine to sugarcoat things. Every time I write one of these...
[the 72 project] young and homeless
Now Nashville… Well it is a long ways from California, geographically and...
[the 72 project] divine interactions in austin
So Austin, TX… This post has been a bit delayed now that I am situated in the...
@fivetalents tanzania program featured on @bbc one
Five Talents has been featured as charity of the month on BBC One’s Lifeline...