transforming your [about] page

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

September 13, 2011

Should our lives be static? That seems like a pretty ridiculous question, doesn’t it? The answer to that one is pretty easy… of course not!

Especially as Christians, our lives should be dynamic. We should constantly show the change, growth, and restoration that’s happening inside of us through the transforming power of our Lord! Can I get an “amen” for that?!

Well, I just got done making a few updates to the About page, and I was thinking about the implications of this very concept.

Looking at that page makes me realize how much we’ve grown around here over the years. The content has gotten better. We’ve added several contributors, and even built an editorial team for each of our main categories. And even those main categories have changed as we strive to accurately represent what being a ‘bibledude’ is all about.

The change has been really pretty amazing, and I don’t expect it to stop!

That’s why I must update our About page from time to time. Pages like that on many websites are very static, but I don’t believe that’s what our lives are supposed to be like.

Even if you’re not a blogger, what changes have you made to your ‘About page’? Does it show the changes marked by growth in your walk with Christ? What do you need to work on so that your ‘About page’ doesn’t become static?


  1. RJ Grunewald

    You really made something like updating an about page seem interesting; I had a hard time envisioning how it could be a blog post but you did a good job tying informing people about the update and also keeping with the theme of your typical content.  Nice work!

    • @bibledude

      Yeah… this kinda hit me when I was working on the updates, and @tentblogger:twitter’s suggestion that the page shouldn’t be static is something that really stuck with me… and made me realize that our live’s shouldn’t be static either. It was something that challenged me personally, so I knew it would make a good post! 

      Thanks RJ! I appreciate the feedback!

  2. Duane Scott

    Smile… 🙂 


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transforming your [about] page

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 1 min