[12 days of awesomeness] day five: shrinking the camel

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

December 15, 2009

shrinking-the-camelWhen I started my ‘blogging career’ I actually started two blogs. BibleDude.net was one of them, and management by God was the other one. It has been a while since I’ve updated mbG, but I definitely felt like I did some good work there. It was a path of discovery for me as I searched the Scriptures to learn how to be a more effective leader in the workplace.

The faith/workplace space in blogging is an extremely valuable one, and I believe that there are few who do it really well. Bradley J. Moore is one of these bloggers who sits on that short list with Shrinking the Camel.

I discovered his blog when I was really active with mbG, and he was just getting started with the whole blogging thing. I remember that he wasn’t certain whether anything worthwhile would come out if his efforts, but he has continued to generate some really great content. In fact…   these days, you can also find him contributing as a Work Editor over at HighCallingBlogs.com.

What Bradley has done is generate what I believe is some very important discussion in the area of faith and the workplace. Bradley is a corporate executive and a Christian. He writes a great deal about his personal efforts (and struggles) to keep his faith at the center of what he does. I’ve always found his work to be very honest and real, and those are qualities that I appreciate in any Christian discussion. His work regularly challenges me to keep my faith at the center of everything that I do, particularly in the workplace.

So if you work, and struggle with trying to find a way to ‘keep’ your faith while at your job, then join the discussion over at Shrinking the Camel. I’m sure that he’d love to hear from you!


Check out the complete list!


  1. Leon de Rijke

    Shrinking the Camel really is a great blog, indeed! Bradley has his own style of writing, with a, what I like to call, STC-style humor.

  2. BibleDude

    Thanks for confirming this choice for our [12 days of awesomeness] list!
    But… 'STC-style'? 'Shrinking the Camel'? Wow! He's earned a whole new label all his own! Very cool!

  3. BibleDude

    Thanks for sharing David! I defintely agree on the 'unique perspective', and I think that is exactly what makes reading blogs like his so interesting. It is when we are challenged by thinking that is different than our own that we find value…

    That's an idea that I try to apply in my own blogging, so it is great to see great examples like Bradley's!

  4. BibleDude

    Thanks for sharing David! I defintely agree on the 'unique perspective', and I think that is exactly what makes reading blogs like his so interesting. It is when we are challenged by thinking that is different than our own that we find value…

    That's an idea that I try to apply in my own blogging, so it is great to see great examples like Bradley's!


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[12 days of awesomeness] day five: shrinking the camel

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 2 min