15 steps to raising selfish kids

15 steps to raising selfish kids

  Raising selfish kids is easy peasy. Follow these simple steps:   1.  Stay home. 2.  Buy items you don’t need. 3.  Forget about chores. 4.  Refuse to discuss world events. 5.  Encourage comparing. 6.  Talk about all the things you don’t have. 7....
6 ways to ruin a mission trip

6 ways to ruin a mission trip

[serialposts]The above picture captures how you feel. Excited, excited, excited! People, you are going on a mission trip. You prayed. You planned. You raised support money. You researched all possible facts about your destination. You met with your mission group. You...
may = month of missions

may = month of missions

[serialposts]Summer is only one flip of the calendar page away, and you know what that means: beach days, icy lemonade, water fun, and mission trips. Churches everywhere are preparing to send teams of people out on summer mission trips, and for the month of May, the...