the 7 best SERVE posts of 2012

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

January 1, 2013

[serialposts]Our third group of content here is our SERVE category. And with big mission trips, and lots of opportunities to serve in our local communities, the most difficult part of finding the best of 2012 was limiting it to just 7 posts!

It’s here in the SERVE category that we discuss how we put everything else from the READ and PRAY categories into action. This great Love that we’re given, what does it look like to the rest of the world as we begin to look outward. And because Christ direction for us is to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, our focus is on all levels of ministryministry inside the church, outreach into our local communities, and global missions.

These are the top seven posts from the SERVE category in 2012:

7. encouraging those who help modern day slaves and the exodus road

The Exodus Road investigators engage in covert operations in order to save girls from sexual slavery. In short, they pair action with conviction. (Read more…)


6. purple jacket lady

I’m sorry, Purple Jacket Lady, that I failed to love like I should have. I’m sorry that there were other Christians standing around, doing the same….judging and snickering instead of giving of the fountain of love with which we’ve been equipped. (Read more…)


5. on destitute teens and barbies

Instantly, poverty had a face, and it was the face of a person selling trinkets and tidbits from her house in the snow on the side of the road. (Read more…)


4. there’s haiti mud on my shoes

I’m sure that as time goes on, the simple act of walking through life will cause these smudges to slowly disappear. A couple walks in the rain, a few steps in some puddles, and some incidental rubbing on the hem of my jeans will each take a little bit of the mud away. Eventually it will all be gone. (Read more…)


3. on the importance of coming back

He said, “Many churches send teams to come spend time with our orphans, and they say they want to work with us. But then they leave and we never hear from them again.” (Read more…)


2. sometimes it’s messy work

After hearing him pour out his heart, it quickly became clear to me that what worked for Richard probably isn’t a model that would work well in the Tent City community that St. Cyr  is working to develop. (Read more…)

messy, art, beautiful, non-profit work

1. discovering purpose

It’s not always easy to say yes. It sometimes means turning away from those we love. It often means saying no to things we want. There are so many things left unknown. So many uncertainties. (Read more…)

Get Ready, Get Set, Write by Melanie Holtsman


1 Comment

  1. dukeslee

    You and your crew have done some really amazing things here in 2012. God bless you in the year ahead, my friend.


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the 7 best SERVE posts of 2012

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 2 min