It's been one of those weeks. You've had them, right? Times of hard decision-making and what-ifs that lead to more waiting and second-guessing and flip-flopped fear and trust, and you just want a final decision to be made and hope you can live with it. Except each...
life of worship
Life of Worship
to be deceived by beauty
They are those who hear the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful. Mark 4:18-19 (ESV) I'm aware of the deception, but I make no effort to resist....
how to be happy: declare yourself bankrupt
Our pastor tells a story about how France’s King Louis XIV planned his own farewell extravaganza. He left instructions that at his funeral service, the Notre Dame cathedral would remain dark except for a single candle above his golden coffin, the candle placed...
when God smokes
I've started a new book. Well, I haven't exactly started to actually read it yet. Like starting at page one. I've been thumbing through it to decide if I really want to read a book with such a scandalous title as The God Who Smokes written by someone named...
who’s in control here?
A brilliant New Testament scholar once asked a group of us what is the most...
to be content in every condition
God sends the stormy wind of his providential and painful visitations,...
beholding Glory: Kingdom come here on earth {blessed are those who mourn}
There is a way for us to behold glory, and it looks like reaching across the...
and then i jump
I brush the hair from my mouth and eyes, pull hands up into sweatshirt...

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