Be it my camera or my husband’s .22 rifle, I want my aim to be right on target, bulls-eye center. I’m drawn to hobbies that run parallel with my talents. Similar to you, I imagine, I like to do things that I am good at, things that I already have some sort of natural...
Life of Worship
under the new sun with @smalltownpoets [part two]
We're talking with the Smalltown Poets again today focusing on creativity and how/where they see God. Part One of the interview is here. BibleDude: Tell us a little about your group's beginnings. Danny: Three of us (Michael, Danny, and Byron) grew up in a small town...
afraid of the rain
Oh, LORD, I'm afraid of when the rain comes! I spent my lunch break on the patio behind the university administration building where I work, looking across the quad toward Mt. Saint Helens. I've lived in the Pacific Northwest for just over two months. They've been...
under the new sun with @smalltownpoets [part one]
Smalltown Poets is a band that's new to me but not new to the music scene. I got to talk with them a little through email in anticipation of their new album, Under the New Sun, that releases today. This is part one of that interview. BibleDude: You say you feel you've...
when you wonder if anyone is listening
I woke up on my birthday knowing it would be different. The way you know...
for when your creativity wanes
He tells us beside the Frio's flow, in his talk on The Care and Feeding of...
when wonder’s wedged
Some days are way weary. This is one of them. Its wonder's wedged in the dusty...
when pain crumples
She lies crumpled near the goal, in front of the other team’s spectators, and...