"I’ve heard several editors say they make a practice of chopping off the concluding two to three paragraphs in Christian writing, not because the writing isn’t good, but because this is when Christians consistently shift into autopilot optimism. They present the...
Life of Worship
the God-questions
"It’s not brave to have answers. It’s brave to watch them get erased, obliterated, rubbed out with a half-chewed cheap eraser on the end of a #2 pencil, the kind that leaves black nasty smudges in the wake of that math formula that should have contained, as promised,...
moving versus resting
I'm frozen in time. Actually, frozen on my couch somewhere between working on a series of paintings and climbing on my elliptical. I was thinking about inertia—that stuff smart people say when they're explaining that an object in motion stays in motion, and an object...
why do bad things happen to good people?
The rain splashes against the window like tears. The past creeps in like flickering shadows and I am thinking of it again. I no longer ask why bad things happen. In retrospect, I can see how God turned what others meant for evil to good and my sin into something else....
the artist’s rule
"As you make art or write, the process is a container for awareness....
granny vs. my purpose in life.
My grandmother is the eternal matriarch, the kind that says exactly what's on...
thin places
“Thin places,” the Celts call this space, Both seen and unseen, Where the door...
“hippie books”
Have I mentioned that I'm married to a Preacher? And not just any preacher,...