Pain is 'painful' and mostly not desired but a lot of people are always affected one way or the other by it and creators of art aren't always left out. And some say that a creator (a writer especially) has more to create when the person has experienced a lot of pain....
Life of Worship
i am afraid
“Please Lord.” I pray as I step on the scale. I expect a little gain today. I've plateaued, but yesterday we went out to eat. Every time I go out to eat I gain. It's either real gain or sodium gain (which goes away the next morning), but even the sodium gain though...
dear faraway friend
My purple pen dances across the white, college-ruled page. The smell of the PaperMate ink fills my nostrils as I bend down as close to the paper as I can, somehow feeling as if I can be a part of the purple words I’m scrawling. I pause after my simple introduction...
transforming your [about] page
Should our lives be static? That seems like a pretty ridiculous question, doesn't it? The answer to that one is pretty easy... of course not! Especially as Christians, our lives should be dynamic. We should constantly show the change, growth, and restoration that's...
storydwelling [artist interview]
We all love a good story, don't we? I can remember sitting on my grandma's lap...
i want to know what it means to believe
Somehow I came empty and broken. No, weary is the word. When all has been...
belay that
I inhale slowly, opening my eyes slightly. A dawn sky gently filters through...
the first meeting
We walked in and looked around. I don't think they are here yet, he said. I...