History is important. We can learn so much from it. So when I saw that the theme for The High Calling's latest PhotoPlay was sharing images that represent our past I was excited to take a look at my own personal history. I was excited to see what I could learn about...
Life of Worship
on ‘untitled: thoughts on the creative process’ [an interview with @blainehogan]
[serialposts]I can't tell you how many times I've sat there staring at a blinking cursor. It's not like I've run out of ideas. I can talk about anything. But sometimes looking at a blank page is just intimidating. I don't know if it's the expectation that comes with a...
on the creative collective [an interview with @blainehogan]
[serialposts]I think the word is synergy. It's the idea that the result is greater than the sum of its parts. In other words, one plus one equals three (or four, or five). That's a pretty powerful concept if you really think about it. An idea like this really...
from jeans to scrubs [when life serves a 180]
I hang my hand out the window, doing the airplane as I drive through the gravel roads of Iowa. The old farm truck I sit in doesn't have air conditioning, but the evening is cool enough that it doesn't bother me. My jeans have holes in them, and when I look down, I...
on creativity for every Christian [an interview with @blainehogan]
[serialposts]One theme that I've seen pop up over and over around here is this...
how churches can be creative [an interview with @blainehogan]
[serialposts]Not every church can have a Blaine Hogan on staff. But that...
Jesus, my stain-remover
Some people think you can’t start over; that those guys you slept with, those...
[creative matters] chapter five: further thoughts from the front lines
[serialposts]In collecting these quotes, the overarching theme of chapter five...