
Life of Worship
what happiness is made of

what happiness is made of

I listen with my eyes. Mouth open, laughter escaping; floating in the air around me like a child blowing bubbles. And I wonder where all this happiness comes from; what or who creates it and how one who doesn't have it, can obtain it. I briefly contemplate if...

it’s not always the daughter’s fault

it’s not always the daughter’s fault

An article in yahoo spoke about a mom-zilla who sent a verbally abusive email to her future daughter-in-law. The email went like this: from: Carolyn Bourne to: heidi withers subject: your lack of manners Here are a few examples of your lack of manners: When you are a...

taking the plunge

taking the plunge

There is this bridge I cross over every day. Every day, I’m tempted to jump. Before you jump to conclusions (pun intended), I’d like to explain. Outside our local town, there is an old weathered welcome sign, and underneath it hangs a small plaque that shows the...

the love cup

the love cup

I salvaged this coffee cup from a mountain of belongings left on the curb across the street after the family who abandoned the house two years ago came back to empty their overstuffed garage. Neighbors and strangers alike later culled through the piles, unearthing...

The Story That
Changed Everything

