If ever there was a book that was made for a group blogging project, it's this one. This is what the InterVarsity Press website has to say about it: In this book, you can travel with Sean Gladding between the lines of the Scriptures to listen in on the conversations...
spiritual practice
Life of Worship
#goodwork tour with @thehighcalling
It was the first time that most of us had ever seen each other in all three dimensions! It was a virtual team coming together in real-life. And Marcus had something pretty cool planned for us that was right up our alley! We hit the streets of downtown San Antonio in a...
live [micro]blogging at #ICSEX for 2010-09-28
NEW POST: live [micro]blogging at #ICSEX for 2010-09-27: - NEW POST: [#ICSEX] something’s… http://goo.gl/fb/G0kZF # Open Q&A Idea-Making Session with Charles Lee @charlestlee is talking about moving from idea-making to implementaion at @theideacamp.....
live [micro]blogging at #ICSEX for 2010-09-27
NEW POST: [#ICSEX] something’s gotta change: I’ve been waiting for today for a long time. I… http://goo.gl/fb/pnZT8 # Been chattin' w/ @cmarkley... and even let him buy me a coffee. That dude rocks! # stage setup for @theideacamp looks pretty cool......
@theideacamp family week wrap-up [#ICSEX]
Life in a fallen world is tough. Not only do we have to live it out ourselves,...
[the #haiti diaries] in nadine’s words
Hi, my name is Nadine and Dan asked me to share with you all an overview of my...
how (and when) to talk to the kids about sex [#ICSEX]
It's one of the most difficult things that any of will likely ever have to do...
a [61 day] chronological bible survey
This could be really fun! And educational. And life-transforming. I love to...