Sometimes people are rude. Some people barely treat other people like they're human, let alone created in the image of God. After a few years of working off and on at a pizza restaurant I have come to realize how much our assumptions impact the way we treat other...
authentic christianity
Bible Literacy
Book Reviews
the hard work of forgiveness [part two]
[serialposts] "The only thing that takes more work, tears and sweat than division is reconciliation." - Shane Claiborne You are not sure where to begin. You've forgiven another person's words, actions and misdeeds, but you can not decide if you want them in your life...
the hard work of forgiveness [part one]
[serialposts]I had bruised her heart and battered our friendship without reason, other than the immature excuse: "That was what everyone else was doing." When it finally came time to back away from that swirling group of toxic and all of the same accusations and...
do you read the bible at work?
I saw a comment on the company's intranet website recently by a Muslim inquiring about observing prayer times. It made me think a bit about religious practices at work. Several years ago I ran into a co-worker at a Christian bookstore. We both stood there for a moment...
[reverend fun] standing right behind me
I was in our church's couples small group on Wednesday night, and our DVD...
second place
When I was a freshman in high school I joined the track team and signed up to...
i am afraid
“Please Lord.” I pray as I step on the scale. I expect a little gain today....
the first meeting
We walked in and looked around. I don't think they are here yet, he said. I...