[serialposts]Do you have somewhere to cry? Do you have somewhere to laugh? Do you have somewhere to play? Do you have somewhere you are loved? Do you have somewhere you are welcome? Do you have somewhere you can learn? Do you have somewhere you can teach? Do you have...
book reviews
Bible Literacy
Book Reviews
[fatherless generation] chapter 12: in search of a name
[serialposts] These are sons and daughters who don't know their true name. They are searching for who they really are. In their search, they bring this question of identity to anyone who will listen. They live with the overwhelming urge to pursue those who will affrim...
[fatherless generation] chapter 11: anatomy of a mentor
[serialposts] ~ I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. ~ -- Maya Angelou In July 2010, a new Charter School, called “Mentorship Academy,” opened up in Baton Rouge,...
[fatherless generation] chapter 10: of musth cycles and mentoring
[serialposts] After the scientists introduced the elders to the rogue teenagers, they observed an amazing change. Immediately, the teenagers calmed down, and their musth cycle ended within a few days. ˜ John Sowers, Fatherless Generation After reading this chapter and...
[fatherless generation] chapter 9: father to the fatherless
[serialposts] a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his...
[fatherless generation] chapter 8: belonging to God
[serialposts] To belong to God means I am no longer defined by what I do, no...
reflection, #1000gifts, and #fatherlessgeneration: [march 2011 top content]
First of all, thank you for helping make March a record month for traffic for...
[fatherless generation] chapter 7: returning the favor
[serialposts] What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most...