[serialposts] a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families... Psalm 68:5-6 In my teenage years I had many "adopted" sisters. Most of them were around my age and all of them were going through the same...
book reviews
Bible Literacy
Book Reviews
[fatherless generation] chapter 8: belonging to God
[serialposts] To belong to God means I am no longer defined by what I do, no longer defined by my performance. I am defined by his love for me. Whatever anyone else says about me doesn’t really mean jack squat. It is only God that matters. To belong to God means I am...
reflection, #1000gifts, and #fatherlessgeneration: [march 2011 top content]
First of all, thank you for helping make March a record month for traffic for us here at BibleDude.net! We've been shifting our approach a little bit, and it seems to be resonating with old and new readers alike. The biggest shift has been to more of a multi-blogger...
[fatherless generation] chapter 7: returning the favor
[serialposts] What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. ~A.W. Tozer During my college summers, I worked at a day camp in Tulsa. While it was considered a "Christian" camp, it was mostly about enjoying the outdoors with...
book review: the inklings of oxford
I won The Inklings of Oxford: C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Their Friends...
[fatherless generation] chapter 6: running to stand still
[serialposts] The fatherless generation embraces pain to escape the anguish of...
open letter to @annvoskamp [a review of #1000gifts]
Dear Ann, I've been reading your new book One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live...
movie review: the third testament
[youtube 0BAiwS4vTZk nolink] What would the world be like if a new 'third'...