God calls us to do something. We mess it up. God gives us opportunities. We let them pass us by. God puts us in positions to bless others. We hurt them instead. It’s the story of our lives; it’s the story of humanity. God gives, we tarnish the gift. We repent, He...
Bible Literacy
Book Reviews
on crumpled bills and broken souls
He hands me a mason jar full of crumpled fives and hard-earned ten dollar bills. He’s only been here since December, our newly adopted son, but he’s no stranger to hard work and has earned well for himself. “I want to help my brother buy a new computer,” he says. “You...
book review: prayers for a woman’s soul (@juliegillies)
From the back cover: Pamper yourself with refreshing prayer! You’re stressed out, you’re multitasking, and you've got a prayer list as long as your arm. But when do you have time to pray for you? The Prayers for a Woman's Soul devotional book was written through the...
arise to the wonder of God in your life
During the month of April, the writers at Living the Story celebrate our ability to Rise and grasp the wonder of Christ as we walk out Eastertide. Today, Margaret Feinberg shares how we nurture awe and live wonderstruck in the every day. [serialposts]In our...
speak life
I was tired. Worn out. All I could think about was the minutes (or hours)...
rise and walk the storyline
[serialposts]I've been a writer all my life. Now, I haven't always written,...
gleanings along The Way, volume one
We're all poor and hungry, aren't we? Metaphorically at least. We are broken...
sale racks and sunrise glory
[serialposts] I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no...