[serialposts]My fingers tap allegro on the chair in front of me, keeping time to the rhythm of my heart when I look at the back of her teenage head, her waif frame knuckled between siblings. I know this feeling; it isn’t the first time it’s hovered over me in church....
Bible Literacy
Book Reviews
ephesians 2:11-22: one in Christ
[serialposts]Have you ever noticed how much "Once upon a time" sounds like "In the beginning"? It's how the great stories begin (and reveals where the great stories were born). I noticed this when I read Ephesians the way I went looking for thimbleberries. We were...
ephesians 2:1-10: by grace through faith
[serialposts]I can remember talking about this passage in Confirmation as if it were yesterday. There's not much I remember from those middle school years, but this passage stuck with me. This is what makes us Lutheran, my pastor said. It is this passage that...
ephesians 1:15-23: thanksgiving and prayer
[serialposts]For many of these ideas, I am indebted to the excellent commentary on the book of Ephesians in the NIV Application series written by Dr. Klyne Snodgrass, Professor of New Testament at North Park Theological Seminary. Like any good letter-writer in the...
ephesians 1:1-14: greeting and spiritual blessings in Christ
[serialposts] "It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are...
introduction to paul’s letter to the ephesians
[serialposts]Ephesians is one of the best-loved books in the New Testament. ...
still learning love
I wrote "Love" with a needle and dark blue embroidery thread, intending to...
the 7 best READ posts of 2012
[serialposts]As we look back at what we've accomplished in 2012, we first want...