Recently I've been in some conversations around what it takes to be successful in the workplace, and it always seems people have different ideas as to what it takes. Some say it's important to manage your image, others say it's simply hard work that helps you rise to...
Activist Faith
[management by God] risk management
Risk Management has been defined as, "the process of measuring, or assessing risk and developing strategies to manage it." When you go into any new project or other type of initiative, you must weigh out your risks. Missing this means your project could run into...
[management by God] certified leaders
I recently passed one of the most important certifications that I could ever get! Along the lines of the FREE management training mentioned in my last post, I was certified by my son as a great dad! He was playing, but then started doing something that he shouldn't be...
[management by God] free management training!
FREE! FREE! FREE! Sign up now for the opportunity of a lifetime! We're now offering FREE leadership and management training for everyone that is interested! Learn and practice the skills and special techniques that can make you one of the greatest leaders in your...
they came for the turkey, and we gave them The Lamb
I had to do it. When I heard what my friends at Harvest Tabernacle were doing...
[management by God] making a stepford wife
I love the classic (and remake) movie The Stepford Wives. I think every man...
[management by God] lift Him up
This is a tough one. Political correctness has made it difficult to even say...
[management by God] the root of all evil
Imagine this... You just got dropped off in the middle of a city just like the...