Activist Faith
#haiti mission twitter updates for 2010-08-15
NEW POST: #haiti mission twitter updates for 2010-08-14: - NEW POST: #haiti mission twitter… http://goo.gl/fb/RywTQ # We're loading up the bus with our bags now. One stop at a church service and then we're off to the airport. Hard to say goodbye... #haiti # It's...
#haiti mission twitter updates for 2010-08-14
NEW POST: #haiti mission twitter updates for 2010-08-13: - NEW POST: #haiti mission twitter… http://goo.gl/fb/oZYt0 # Mmmm... There's nothing like the smell of burning trash pit first thing in the morning. #theresnowastemanagement here in #haiti # Today is our last...
#haiti mission twitter updates for 2010-08-13
NEW POST: #haiti mission twitter updates for 2010-08-12: - Great time of worship and prayer… http://goo.gl/fb/2J180 # another work day around the orphanage. Finishing some cool projects. #haiti # We're using some concrete blocks from a wall damaged by the earthquake...
#haiti mission twitter updates for 2010-08-12
NEW POST: #haiti mission twitter updates for 2010-08-11: - NEW POST: #haiti...
#haiti mission twitter updates for 2010-08-11
NEW POST: #haiti mission twitter updates for 2010-08-10: - We just had a good...
#haiti mission twitter updates for 2010-08-10
NEW POST: #haiti mission twitter updates for 2010-08-09: - NEW POST: #haiti...
#haiti mission twitter updates for 2010-08-09
NEW POST: #haiti mission twitter updates for 2010-08-08: - NEW POST: #haiti...