Six-year-old me stood on a new boardwalk in Northern Michigan and looked down. Initials and names etched patterns into the wood, and I wondered why someone would ruin fresh boards, boards still smelling of new wood. I wished for a pen or a rock. I wanted my name...
Activist Faith
serving others with hearts, glitter, and unicorns
A rag-tag group of elementary students sat at a table and hand-crafted Valentine’s cards. The cards would be delivered to shut-ins of the church. In the pile of crayon smears and scratchy writing lay my daughter’s card. She has a flair for the dramatic, so the card...
that’s it, i quit: three things you must quit in order to serve others
I used to think and rethink ways to live a life of love. I agonized over my self-absorbed life and poured over service opportunities. Then, I sat. I refused occasions to serve others. I’m busy. I don’t know them. I don’t have a heart for that. Not good. Then, I tried...
on throwing canned goods and tracts
A woman named Amy Sherman said the following about the Good Samaritan: “It’s not like he stood on the other side of the road and threw canned goods and religious tracts at the guy. He crossed the road. He got up close and personal. He dirtied his own hands.” Isn’t...
when love interrupts
It's after 11:30PM when I finally fall into bed. I hadn't intended on staying...
doing good: mom and daughter style
Nine rowdy tweens + six competitive moms + seven, local service challenges =...
when your no-er breaks and resentment grows
I don’t struggle with "no". I find "no" easy, peasy and examples abound: Do...
on being generous when you feel tapped out
As I drove home from work, I prayed. Dear God, I cannot handle one more thing...