your love never fails [movie review]

your love never fails [movie review]

We all have to make choices. And our decisions impact every aspect of our lives. The choice to put in extra hours at work in order to get ahead may seem positive as it relates to providing for your family, but what’s the cost of more time away from those you...
epistle of james [group blogging project]

epistle of james [group blogging project]

It’s New Testament wisdom literature… kind of like a ‘modern’ day Book of Proverbs. The Epistle of James is a book like no other in the New Testament. But that’s one of the things that makes it so special. Some of the greatest guidance we...
selling a spiderman kite

selling a spiderman kite

They were literally everywhere! One thing that certainly stands out as we drove through Santo Domingo (and other cities in the Dominican Republic) was the massive amount of street vendors. And no, I don’t mean sidewalk vendors. I mean street vendors. These are...