I see the point of a soft pink triangle that cuts between two pine trees to the southeast, and a sparrow lands on a bare branch just outside my window. I peel back the Target-bought shabby chic quilt, the white one striped with pink roses, and slide from between crisp...
life of worship
Life of Worship
afraid of the rain
Oh, LORD, I'm afraid of when the rain comes! I spent my lunch break on the patio behind the university administration building where I work, looking across the quad toward Mt. Saint Helens. I've lived in the Pacific Northwest for just over two months. They've been...
under the new sun with @smalltownpoets [part one]
Smalltown Poets is a band that's new to me but not new to the music scene. I got to talk with them a little through email in anticipation of their new album, Under the New Sun, that releases today. This is part one of that interview. BibleDude: You say you feel you've...
when you wonder if anyone is listening
I woke up on my birthday knowing it would be different. The way you know pancakes and bacon sputter on the grill from your warm spot in bed. Thoughts of close friends living in distant cities swirl dust halo over my dream fragments in early morning. For a brief...
when wonder’s wedged
Some days are way weary. This is one of them. Its wonder's wedged in the dusty...
what living the story really means
You might say it’s not worth the paper, what I’m going to write today. I used...
for those who walk in darkness
It shatters my slumber, the voice through the monitor. "Gramma. Gramma!" It's...
and the beat goes on
We sit in a parking lot near the lumber yard while the car shakes with my...