I woke up on my birthday knowing it would be different. The way you know pancakes and bacon sputter on the grill from your warm spot in bed. Thoughts of close friends living in distant cities swirl dust halo over my dream fragments in early morning. For a brief...
Life of Worship
for when your creativity wanes
He tells us beside the Frio's flow, in his talk on The Care and Feeding of Creativity. That when work stalls and words stop, move. Because it's in the moving that we breathe. It's in the breathing that we keep breathing. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Work out....
when wonder’s wedged
Some days are way weary. This is one of them. Its wonder's wedged in the dusty gap between the cupboard and the fridge. And stuck in pancake syrup still puddled in the morning's plates. Tupperware towers topple on the work tables, containers that once held...
when pain crumples
She lies crumpled near the goal, in front of the other team’s spectators, and her wail impales my heart. But I’m a good soccer mom/nama, so I sit glued to my chair while her coach runs to her. Soon he’ll sweep her up in his arms (with a few jokes), set her down on the...
parenting from the child’s view
“What does it matter what I do? I know you’re just going to tell me the same...
when we cry for help
“Look, there’s a dragonfly.” He points into the water. We’ve been hiking deep...
a different kind of workout
I go to the gym five days a week to torture myself. Why? Well 15 years ago it...
what living the story really means
You might say it’s not worth the paper, what I’m going to write today. I used...