This interview couldn't have come at a better time for me. I'm experiencing major life changes at an unprecedented pace, and the uncertainty can be kind of scary. But it can also be exciting! As I chat with Blanca Callahan and Manwell Reyes of Group 1 Crew, I find...
Life of Worship
complete in Him
She stands on the thin, white carpet, anxiously waiting to salute the judges and begin a routine she has undoubtedly practiced well over a thousand times. She seems stiff, a fleshly statue under an enormous amount of stress and I find myself hoping she won't crumble...
reflections from a waiting room
Her name tag reads “Colleen.” She wears blue scrubs, and the embroidered patch on her shirt reads “Eye Surgery…Something.” She sits still, bent to the side a tad with right elbow leaning on the chair arm, palm on cheek. She’s crossed right knee over left and...
the silence and the tears
I’ve long been impressed by the power of the shortest verse in the Bible. “Jesus wept.” – John 11:35 The verse has been in many sermons over the years. Every time I’ve heard the verse used it was in the context of showing Jesus’ humanity and that it shows He knew pain...
got manna?
God has some wild imagination. Just picture those hapless Israelites, out...
why you should meditate
The streetlamp outside the bedroom window casts a gentle glow about the room...
come away with me
I sleepily rise and pour the coffee into my cup. It's an earlier morning than...
when life goes on
Editor's Note: Read part one of this story... how to love the ones who don’t...