My feet closely follow Southern Gal’s across the black and white tiled floor. Hand in hand, we dance toward the counter, sidestepping an older gentleman who motions to a woman waiting and says, “I’m with my bride. Go ahead.” “Creepy,” I think to myself, but when I...
Life of Worship
what would you change?
If God gave you the ability to instantly change one thing in the contemporary church what would it be? Now when you answer the question think about the word church. It could refer to your local church group, your denomination, your church community, the North...
i’m a wimp
Yesterday, I was a big wimp. My wife, being the warrior that she is, climbed out of my car confidently and faced her fears head on. "Text me when you're done," I said and drove away. Yes, like a sissy. As I made my getaway, leaving her behind, I made excuses. "It's...
igniting your passion for God [an interview with @mafeinberg]
[serialposts]Here's that word again. Community. We've recently talked about interpreting the Bible in community, and now we're talking about praying in community. There seems to be something about doing things with other people that increases it's impact. Can we pray...
why we need to hear God’s voice [an interview with @mafeinberg]
[serialposts]What do you do when you hear God's voice telling you to do...
on listening to God’s voice [an interview with @mafeinberg]
[serialposts]There's so much noise in the world today that it can be difficult...
how God speaks to people [an interview with @mafeinberg]
[serialposts]Have you ever heard the voice of God? You know, like the Charlton...
why ‘hungry for God’? [an interview with @mafeinberg]
[serialposts]I recently had the pleasure of catching up with...