I am wound too tight by schedules and piles these days while quiet lingers always out of grasp, and so many bodies in tight spaces can overwhelm a heart longing for reverberation. His voice, it seems, comes to me like pond ripples, such a subtle vibration that I’m...
spiritual practice
Life of Worship
rainy day resistance
Wearing her pink and green pajama pants and an overcoat, she scuffs through the kitchen into the garage. Kicks off her fuzzy slippers and pushes her feet into dirty garden shoes; balancing one foot at a time while holding her camera inside a plastic grocery bag. “What...
does gratitude drip from your lips?
All moments funnel into one, swirl faster in eye-blurring fury and collide, shatter in slow motion. Metal against metal. I see the bike spin and slide across the concrete. D slams the car to a stop in the middle of the road and leaps out. I freeze in my seat,...
the flip side of sadness
Last night I had some company. First to show up in my dream was my cousin John with the crazy staccato laugh, huge heart and endless pranks. He and his brother George were always up to something. When they were little, they asked my Aunt Esther if they could decorate...
and the heavens declare
Thunder trembles the ground. There isn’t a response from my soul other than to...
an archer’s surrender
Be it my camera or my husband’s .22 rifle, I want my aim to be right on...
a different kind of workout
I go to the gym five days a week to torture myself. Why? Well 15 years ago it...
for those who walk in darkness
It shatters my slumber, the voice through the monitor. "Gramma. Gramma!" It's...