Editorial Note: This post is part of how to study the Bible (the complete series). One question I get more often than any other is, “Which of the Bible translations is the right one?” I’ll share my response to that question a little later. In order to get to the...
bible literacy
Bible Literacy
Book Reviews
the #codexinstagramus initiative: a bible photography project
What if you could only use pictures to tell the story of the Gospel? I've been thinking a great deal about Luke, the writer of his Gospel and the Book of Acts. The influence of his writing is unquestionable. But one thing most people don't know about him is that he...
which is the best bible translation?
I'll be honest. Answering the question about the best Bible translation isn't as clean-cut as we'd like. And there are passionate voices on all sides of the argument. After everything I've learned about the various translations, my answer about the best Bible...
when fear rises
I wake with a headache and a stiff neck. I shiver in the breeze of the open window and pull the sheet up to my chin. I breathe a prayer for those out west who can barely breathe for the heat of the air, for those who can barely breathe for the heat of life, for...
beware: your kids may one day read the bible
I live with four women. And our dog is female too. This means we are a very...
ephesians 5:21-33: wives and husbands
[serialposts] Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. - Ephesians...
ephesians 5:1-20: walk in love
[serialposts] Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in...
ephesians 4:17-32: the new life
[serialposts] So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must...