engaged in culture


Activist Faith
god our enemy?

god our enemy?

As we watched the opening ceremonies for the Summer Olympics, I was struck by how beautiful everyone was. It seemed like an unending parade of beautiful people. "There aren't this many beautiful people in Hollywood," I said to my husband. "I think all people are...

where do i fit in?

where do i fit in?

There are so many social justice issues in the world today that need to be addressed that, if you're like me, it can be extremely challenging to figure out which ones to support. There are issues of hunger all around the world, HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment,...

discovering purpose

discovering purpose

For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life. ~Ephesians 2:10 I take the albums off the shelf, one by one. Before putting them in the box, I just can't resist cracking them open. Taking a...

protect + serve

protect + serve

Protect and Serve. When I think of what the church’s role in our community should be I think protect and serve. I believe we are challenged to protect and serve humanity as a whole but beyond that we are supposed to provide protection and serve the victims in this...

The Story That
Changed Everything

