What in the world will I have to give them? As I get ready to head down to Haiti, I pray that God would prepare me to leave a deposit of something that will last well after I leave. Our church is committed to staying for the long-term to see the healing and rebuilding...
Activist Faith
the #haiti diaries
I remember sitting on the side of the stage at my church one Sunday morning several years ago telling our Missions Director that I wanted to go to Haiti. The political and spiritual climate down there never seemed to align to create the right opportunity to go. But...
[the 72 project] a dream and a smile
Sleepy, our friend at CASS, the homeless shelter on Madison in downtown Phoenix, conveniently had directed Viktor and I to the Phoenix Dream Center on Grand Ave. We drove up to it later that day and I decided I wanted to give that place some of the donations we had...
[the 72 project] the beginning: finding direction
Our first stop: Phoenix, AZ. We aren't in LA anymore. That's for sure. The first thing Viktor and I noticed are the homeless are much more difficult to find. In Los Angeles, we have the infamous skid row along with the panhandlers on most corners and the wandering...
shining light on the souls of shadows [purpose of the seventy-two project]
Two of my personal goals on this trip are to deeply get to know the people God...
the seventy-two project
Later the Master selected seventy(-two) and sent them ahead of him in pairs to...
a cross-country trip [for the least of these]
God is moving. I've heard so many people saying that recently, yet it's still...
[the africa diaries] day fifteen: headed home
Waking up this morning I couldn't wait to get home! While I tried to enjoy my...