a look back: the top 11 from 2011

rear view mirror

Written by Rev. Dan King

Christ-follower. husband. father (bio and adopted). deacon and director of family ministry at st. edward's episcopal church. author of the unlikely missionary: from pew-warmer to poverty-fighter. co-author of activist faith: from him and for him. president of fistbump media, llc.

December 26, 2011

rear view mirror

It’s been an incredible year! We officially moved to a multi-blogger format. We passed over 1,000 posts and half a million published words. And we’ve experienced continued, steady growth (over 70% per year for each of the last three years).

We’ve even released the first book in the BibleDude Series… The Unlikley Missionary: From Pew-Warmer to Poverty-Fighter.

And as I look back at the work that’s been done here over this past year, I’m really proud of what we’ve done. But I want to highlight 11 posts that really stood out and define what this year was all about (listed in no particular order)…

  1. how to read the bible [with amazement]
  2. fatherless generation [group blogging project]
  3. hell: the conversation [12 quotes from rob bell and francis chan]
  4. i am love [thoughts on the #freetolive tour]
  5. open letter to @annvoskamp [a review of #1000gifts]
  6. the official 2011 bibledude.net [summer reading list]
  7. marriage or cohabitation?
  8. book review: aftershock by @kentannan
  9. the pastor and the secular job
  10. paul’s epistle to the philippians [online group study]
  11. i’m a killer too

We’d also love to hear what stuff resonated the most with you in 2011, at your blog or someone else’s. If there’s a blog post that you’re particularly proud of, or one that impacted you on someone else’s site, then please add the link to it below and leave a comment about why you added it to the list…


  1. Sheila Seiler Lagrand

    What a year for BibleDude.net! That’s quite a list of achievements, Dan. Good for you! I’m so honored to participate here and thankful for you and your hard work.

    I linked my post “The Museum of Mom” from August. My brother, who doesn’t usually read my posts, left a comment that brought me to happy tears. I guess that made it my favorite of the year. 

    • @bibledude

      It was a HUGE year for bibledude.net, and i’m looking forward to another amazing year with another book coming, another trip to Haiti, and some great contributions from the team that contributes to this site!

      Thank you for your contributions and for sharing a link here… I’m on my way to check it out!

  2. Jennifer@GDWJ

    Impressive, Bible Dude. #fistbumpexplosion

    Looking forward to what unfolds in 2012. When is your next Haiti trip?

    • @bibledude

       after this 2011, i’m really looking forward to 2012! i’m going to #haiti with @helpendpoverty:twitter in feb, and i couldn’t be more excited about what that trip will bring! i might even have a chance to meet a child that i just sponsored down there!

      make sure that you share a link to a favorite 2011 post from your site…

  3. Anonymous

    I am laughing at your Top 11 list.

    Not content, with just ten, the dude ups the ante!

    • @bibledude

      well, i used a top 11 because it matched the year ’11. but i like “the dude ups the ante” much better! the tough part was limiting the list to just 11… there was some good stuff happening around here this year!

    • @bibledude

      that was a great post by duane scott! he did some good stuff around here this year, and that one didn’t make the list, so i appreciate you adding it!

  4. Ahimbisibwe_emmanuel

    am ahimbisibwe emmanuel a student in A’level of uganda offering biology,
    chemistry, math and fine art. i need a sponsor for my education to
    achieve my dream of becoming a doctor. email me at
    ahimbisibwe_emmanuel@yahoo.com if you can help me. God bless you
    abundantly and exceedingly.

  5. Ahimbisibwe Emmanuel

    am ahimbisibwe emmanuel a student in A’level of uganda offering biology,
    chemistry, math and fine art. i need a sponsor for my education to
    achieve my dream of becoming a doctor. email me at
    ahimbisibwe_emmanuel@yahoo.com if you can help me. God bless you
    abundantly and exceedingly.

  6. Rebecca Trotter

    Some great writing you’ve done this year.  I’m glad to see it being rewarded with attention!
    I’m linking to my post “I Asked God to Hit My Husband With a Bus”.  It’s about cursing psalms and bringing our hurt to God without cleaning it up first.  2011 was a year of cursing psalms for me, so this post seems like a good representation for the year! 
    Here’s to a new year built on an enduring faith!

    • @bibledude

      there’s been some amazing writing here from a whole bunch of writers, and i’m really proud to be a part of what God is doing through this site! i totally get where you’re coming from with the cursing psalms thing… been there when my son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 17-months old. sounds like a different situation than yours, so i’ll head over soon to read your post… looking forward to it! thanks for sharing!

  7. Nancy Franson

    A highlight of 2011 was getting to meet the Bible Dude! I’m linking a post of mine about staying home from church one Sunday and having an argument with God. One of the biggest lessons I learned this past year was that many of the things which break my heart break God’s heart as well. Lament is a kind of worship.

    • @bibledude

      i want to do more writing about the art of lament… i think that the church has lost this. we focus so much on the joy of the Lord, that we forget that lament is a very valid act of worship… there are more Psalms of Lament than Psalms of Thanksgiving and Praise… hmmm….

      thanks for sharing! and for being so awesome when we got to meet at laity lodge this past year! you rock dude! #fistbump

  8. Jennifer Camp

    So thrilled to read these posts of yours!  Thank you!  The post I Iinked up was a prayer/lament/worship time with the Father — a voicing of frustration about my own failings and brokenness and His coming, with His love and truth, to strengthen me and turn me around.  

    • @bibledude

      i’ve been developing quite an appreciation for lament, so i’m really pleased to see several links being shared with that kind of focus. i can’t wait to go check out your post! thank you SO much for stopping by and sharing! and thank you for the great encouragement! you rock! #fistbump

  9. Anonymous

    I started reading your Fatherless series…such an important topic…hope to read more…Thank you!

    • @bibledude

      thanks! @johnsowers:twitter has done some amazing work in that area, and i’m glad to feature it even just a little bit. i think about it regularly when i look at my own children, and then i vow that i’ll be a significant factor in their lives. thanks for reading it… i’d love to hear more of your thoughts!


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a look back: the top 11 from 2011

by Rev. Dan King time to read: 1 min