During the month of April, the writers at Living the Story celebrate our ability to Rise and grasp the wonder of Christ as we walk out Eastertide. Today, Margaret Feinberg shares how we nurture awe and live wonderstruck in the every day. [serialposts]In our...
Bible Literacy
Book Reviews
speak life
I was tired. Worn out. All I could think about was the minutes (or hours) counting down until I would be fast asleep in the comfort of my own bed. You have to understand, I had just spent the last few days at a retreat where I was one of only five guys in attendance....
rise and walk the storyline
[serialposts]I've been a writer all my life. Now, I haven't always written, but I've always thought in story. Just ask my friends. Especially in the early stages of our friendship, the time when you share your back story and I share mine. And share mine. And share...
gleanings along The Way, volume one
We're all poor and hungry, aren't we? Metaphorically at least. We are broken and lost without the Bread of Life. We need to feed off of Truth to survive spiritually. And I don't know about you, but sometimes it feels like I'm suffering through a drought. Sure, I know...
sale racks and sunrise glory
[serialposts] I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no...
while we were still sinners
Weak. Ungodly. Sinner. That's exactly what I once was. (And sometimes still...
casting stones
Sitting there, in the comfort of my private family room, watching Lance...
the sacrament of motherhood’s ecumenical moments
It's Sunday morning and we do not find ourselves filling a pew. Instead, I am...