Nine rowdy tweens + six competitive moms + seven, local service challenges = an immense amount of fun. To celebrate the end of our mom and daughter Bible study, a group of moms decided we wanted to do good in our community, but we wanted the type of good that isn't...
activist faith
Activist Faith
when your no-er breaks and resentment grows
I don’t struggle with "no". I find "no" easy, peasy and examples abound: Do you want to go to the movies? No. Will you babysit my kids? No. Can you drive me to the airport? No. Will you be a part of our committee? No. But recently, I offered help, and someone told me,...
3 traps which line the way to growing giving hearts
Traps line the way in serving others, and even the well-meaning, may lose their footing. As you look for ways to serve, I urge you to avoid these nasty distractions. The gold star trap. Growing a servant's attitude doesn't earn you extra gold stars. God instructs us...
canned lima beans taste bad and other lessons from the grocery store
A couple of weeks ago, our church's bulletin contained a blurb about the new, permanent food pantry going up in our lobby. Members have the opportunity fill the pantry weekly, and then, the contents of the pantry are donated to a local public school. Nice. However,...
serving those with dirty feet
Recently, while I was supposed to be serving, I judged a mother of twins. It...
serving others with prayer
In the book, Praying for Strangers, River Jordan discusses her ambitious New...
encouraging those who help modern day slaves and the exodus road
"You may choose to look the other way, but you may never again choose to say...
is it enough?
Sophonie, she scratches words on peach-colored concrete with a sliver of...