I know a teenager who is destitute. The same girl steals. Of course she does. That's what happens when you lack everything. So when it came time to divvy extra Christmas cash, this girl did not make the cut. While others offered up her name, I shook my head. Tsk. Tsk....
Activist Faith
the @helponenow bloggers guide to empowering haiti’s future
[serialposts] "No education, no future. With education, dreams come true!" I discovered these words scribbled in chalk on a door while visiting a very poor community during a recent mission trip. It's a statement that's stuck with me as I've visited other...
together, our stories change things: #powerofwe
[serialposts]I've really been having a tough time holding it together over the past week. Even as I sit here a few days after my return home, drinking my Rebo (Haitian Coffee), my eyes fill with tears as I think about the work I've done. I saw first-hand how stories...
in which God is up to something
[serialposts]Sometimes you just never know what God is up to. On our final full day on the ground in Haiti we had plans to head out of the Port-au-Prince area to visit a village called Drouin. When we were planning this trip, our visit to Drouin seemed mission...
on the importance of coming back
I can't remember the last time I cried like this. As we entered the gates on...
sometimes it’s messy work
[serialposts]Paint streaks decorated the legs of his jeans. As he came out to...
three reasons to follow the @helponenow haiti bloggers
[serialposts]I've had some very mixed emotions as I prepare for this...
how to break the cycle of poverty in haiti with art
I wonder what went through his mind when he got the cash in his hand the first...