Raising selfish kids is easy peasy. Follow these simple steps: 1. Stay home. 2. Buy items you don’t need. 3. Forget about chores. 4. Refuse to discuss world events. 5. Encourage comparing. 6. Talk about all the things you don't have. 7. Reject...
engaged in culture
Activist Faith
praying for those in transition
Today I'm thinking of my friends in transition. Because sometimes I think God waits in places that smell of bleach and Hamburger Helper. Places that house women without a place of their own who wear red, fuzzy slippers and children who sport sleeveless pajamas in the...
serving others with hearts, glitter, and unicorns
A rag-tag group of elementary students sat at a table and hand-crafted Valentine’s cards. The cards would be delivered to shut-ins of the church. In the pile of crayon smears and scratchy writing lay my daughter’s card. She has a flair for the dramatic, so the card...
3 traps which line the way to growing giving hearts
Traps line the way in serving others, and even the well-meaning, may lose their footing. As you look for ways to serve, I urge you to avoid these nasty distractions. The gold star trap. Growing a servant's attitude doesn't earn you extra gold stars. God instructs us...
canned lima beans taste bad and other lessons from the grocery store
A couple of weeks ago, our church's bulletin contained a blurb about the new,...
serving those with dirty feet
Recently, while I was supposed to be serving, I judged a mother of twins. It...
serving others with prayer
In the book, Praying for Strangers, River Jordan discusses her ambitious New...
coconut sprinkles, chocolate pudding, and a buffet of service opportunities
When I was a child, Shoney’s Buffet was a big deal. Where else could you get a...