I was having lunch one day with a friend of mine who works with a ministry called LoveServes International. We ate and swapped stories about what God was doing through our work. As he shared I could see the fire in his eyes when he talked about transformed lives down...
Activist Faith
how to help [dying kids in africa]
2,000 children die from malaria every day. That's 83 children every hour. With every minute that passes, another child or two dies. Would you believe me if I said it's possible to end all malaria deaths by the year 2015? It's true. By getting involved and mobilizing...
the orphan i am [a theology of adoption]
It's always been easy for me to overlook the orphan care epidemic as something that 'other people' are working on. And because the Bible talks a lot about taking care of the fatherless and the orphan, I've always considered their work admirable... and potentially...
book review: aftershock by @kentannan
I remember it like it was yesterday. I looked at the box in the pantry, and something inside me broke. Next thing I know, I'm on my knees crying harder than I ever remember crying in my life. My 17-month old son had been diagnosed just days prior...
day of small beginnings [guest post from @justapen]
My wife is pregnant. I’m told I have a grin on my face people can see a...
how to plan a [garage sale for orphans]
Our family is pretty geeked about this year's Christmas project! The needs of...
they came for the turkey, and we gave them The Lamb
I had to do it. When I heard what my friends at Harvest Tabernacle were doing...
the importance of play [guest post from @chrismarlow]
Message from Dan King: This year for Christmas my seven year-old son wanted to...