[serialposts]In keeping with our May Missions Focus, we have the author of Don't Forget to Pack the Kids: Short-Term Missions for Your Whole Family, Jill Richardson, sharing seven ways to keep supporters interested in your mission. Here's Jill. : : Two weeks ago, I...
Activist Faith
i’m home. now what?
[serialposts]It was my first mission trip, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Many of my friends ribbed me before I left saying this trip was just a "glorified vacation." I wasn't really sure how to respond. Arriving in Guatemala, I can tell you that my trip was...
the long-term impact of short-term missions
[serialposts]We are so happy you found yourself here today. We know you have a desire to serve others, and we are pretty sure mission related topics make your heart pitter-pat a little bit faster. May is Missions Month here at Bibledude.net. Last week, Ray schooled...
6 ways to ruin a mission trip
[serialposts]The above picture captures how you feel. Excited, excited, excited! People, you are going on a mission trip. You prayed. You planned. You raised support money. You researched all possible facts about your destination. You met with your mission group. You...
bless the mamas
[serialposts]They mother the motherless, the mamas in this orphan village. The...
may = month of missions
[serialposts]Summer is only one flip of the calendar page away, and you know...
i’m selfish
A couple of months ago, I posed a question on Facebook asking people what the...
the whisper that changed my life
I woke up feeling the cool breeze of the Guatemalan morning. It was refreshing...