[becoming a completely committed follower of Jesus] I've contemplated leaving church. Numerous times. Why, you might ask? Because all too often church is not about following Christ. It's about making people happy. All too often the leadership makes decisions based on...
Activist Faith
[thoughts on] the secret service prostitution scandal
<rant> It makes my stomach turn. By now, I hope you've heard something about the Secret Service' s little sex scandal in Columbia. In case you haven't, let me give you the quick version... A team of Secret Service agents and other military personnel arrive in...
fear of the resurrection
As I listened to the Easter story from the Gospel of Mark in church on Sunday, I was struck by the final words of the passage: So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid....
how to feed the hungry [from our excess]
Picture this. Your church fellowship hall filled to capacity. There are people everywhere. And enough food to feed hundreds - maybe even thousands. People sharing conversation with others at their table. Eating as much as they possibly can. Sounds like a typical...
[the 7 project] month one: food
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPhWGh2QtQI [serialposts]I'm fat. Technically,...
there’s haiti mud on my shoes
[serialposts]Is it bad that I don't want to wash the Haiti mud off of my...
book review: when helping hurts [how to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor … and yourself]
It was all starting to make perfect sense. I listened to stories about...
haiti [micro]blogging for 2012-02-16
[serialposts] RT @helpendpoverty: NEW POST: Haiti Trip Journal: When Your...