
Activist Faith
chasing them away

chasing them away

Reading blogs gives me a chance to step into the lives of others. I often come across many Christians who bash gathering in church for a variety of reasons. Some of those reasons are painfully legitimate and some are simply unwilling to stay and make a difference...

purple jacket lady

purple jacket lady

I was at the drug store yesterday, in line for a prescription, and a woman in a purple jacket melted down…. just… went to pieces right there in the prescription line. "I can't DO THIS ANYMORE!" She screamed at the stunned cashier, who blinked quickly while everyone...

addiction to ministry [part two]

addiction to ministry [part two]

[serialposts]“We need to get together sometime.” I said this to my friend as I had just finished unloading my stress on her willing shoulders. It’s because of my previous post that I realized ministry had become an unhealthy habit; too much ministry anyway. I had...

addiction to ministry [part one]

addiction to ministry [part one]

[serialposts]What is wrong with me? I came to church with stress hanging on me like an oversized jacket. My heart had focused on  people instead of God’s provisions. Ministry failed to excite me. And then it hit me… Like quick sand, the more I struggled the faster the...

The Story That
Changed Everything

