He sat in his wheel chair on the corner of Goodwin and Granite Streets as if he meant to cross. The man did not follow the other pedestrians. Across the street, I carried my book and walked fast towards Wild Iris Coffee Shop and wondered why he sat unmoving in his...
spiritual practice
Life of Worship
do you read the bible at work?
I saw a comment on the company's intranet website recently by a Muslim inquiring about observing prayer times. It made me think a bit about religious practices at work. Several years ago I ran into a co-worker at a Christian bookstore. We both stood there for a moment...
light the torches and lower the drawbridge…
“I want to be part of a church that wants to be part of something.” These words came from my 17-year-old daughter, Grace. These words have rattled around in my head since they were spoken. They weren’t said out of anger or spite, but frustration at the circumstances...
i am afraid
“Please Lord.” I pray as I step on the scale. I expect a little gain today. I've plateaued, but yesterday we went out to eat. Every time I go out to eat I gain. It's either real gain or sodium gain (which goes away the next morning), but even the sodium gain though...
igniting your passion for God [an interview with @mafeinberg]
[serialposts]Here's that word again. Community. We've recently talked about...
why we need to hear God’s voice [an interview with @mafeinberg]
[serialposts]What do you do when you hear God's voice telling you to do...
on listening to God’s voice [an interview with @mafeinberg]
[serialposts]There's so much noise in the world today that it can be difficult...
how God speaks to people [an interview with @mafeinberg]
[serialposts]Have you ever heard the voice of God? You know, like the Charlton...