Brandon Cole is an ordinary man. He goes to work Monday through Friday, takes his son fishing or plays softball on Saturdays, and faithfully attends the church down the road each Sunday. And sometimes, the following Monday, I hear from the other guys, he loses...
spiritual practice
Life of Worship
i’m a gossip junkie
The people from my town love to gossip. Secretly, so do I. With a population just over four hundred people, it's small enough to know almost everyone and large enough to always have breaking news. "I heard your family bought that business... I sure hope you can manage...
an awkward introduction
I'm new to this site. And as a contributing author, I feel it only proper to introduce myself. "Hi, my name is Duane Scott... and I have a thing for squirrels." I hold out my hand to you, waiting patiently for you to return the hand shake. I notice the subtle cock of...
books, community, and social justice: [february 2011 top content]
I love looking at my analytics and learning more about what people are picking up and reading around here. I always learn a lot about what's resonating with people, and sometimes renew a passion for certain topics that I may not have thought about in a while. This...
books, poverty, and marriage: [january 2011 top content]
In an effort to better understand what's bringing people to (and...
[the story of God, the story of us]: closing thoughts from sean gladding
Wow dude... We just finished an amazing group blogging project working through...
[the story of God, the story of us] chapter 12: consummation
Consummation. A word that is rich in meaning. While this word speaks of a...
[the story of God, the story of us] chapter 11: Church
As I think about what it means to be the church, the merchant's voice rings in...