In an effort to better understand what's bringing people to (and what's keeping them here), I've been looking at my Google Analytics a little closer. The list below represents the top 10 posts by pageviews during the month of January 2011. I notice a few...
spiritual practice
Life of Worship
[the story of God, the story of us]: closing thoughts from sean gladding
Wow dude... We just finished an amazing group blogging project working through Sean Gladding's The Story of God, the Story of Us. And I know that I can speak for all of the contributors when I say that this was not just a great book, but also an incredible experience....
[the story of God, the story of us] chapter 12: consummation
Consummation. A word that is rich in meaning. While this word speaks of a specific event in a finite space of time, it also speaks of a future which is yet to be completed. Marriages are consummated with the expectation of two people coming together in a joining of...
[the story of God, the story of us] chapter 11: Church
As I think about what it means to be the church, the merchant's voice rings in my ear…. It's difficult to understand, difficult to believe. The woman tells the story of the resurrection of Jesus and the very early church and I am left with more questions than I...
[the story of God, the story of us] chapter 10: Cross
Throughout this chapter, and through the tears of grief and of celebration...
[the story of God, the story of us] chapter 9: Christ
Imagine a king who looked at an ordinary peasant, and saw extraordinary...
[the story of God, the story of us]: interlude
I've purposely taken a break from writing during our break (or interlude) from...
[the story of God, the story of us] chapter 8: conceit
“God’s beautiful gift of rest and freedom from the slavery of activity to...